Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Olympic Torch Run

Lots of excitement in Strathmore today as the Olympic Torch made it's way through town. Sam and I were able to be there and while I'm sure he doesn't care one bit - it was very exciting for me!

Sam is all ready and waiting...so excited... why are we here again?

All the schools came and we were lucky enough to spot Michael - who, by the way, refused to wear his Hockey Canada hoodie and instead chose his Russia T-shirt and Ovechkin jersey. Traitor.

What's an Olympic event without a little corporate sponsorship?

I have no idea what this next "float" was but it had something to do with the Olympics, I'm sure.

Paul arrived just in time to take Sam from my aching arms and see the torch come.

What's that in the distance? Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

It's the Olympic Torch!! Yay!

And that's it. It was exciting to be there and see it up close. I kind of wish I had applied to be a torchbearer. They only run 300 to 400 metres before handing it off. I'm sure I could do that. With practice. ;)


Negri Up North said...

You and me, Diane! We're the torch bearers the next time around...in our wheel chairs!

Autumn said...

What no mention of your die hard friend who came out just to help you pass the time. I'm shocked