I didn't quite make it to one year since I posted but I sure tried :)
My goodness - where to start? Life has sped along at breakneck speed and I feel like I'm hanging on for dear life most days. Two kids in hockey, 1 kid working part-time, 1 kid still in diapers who is a master of destruction. Makes me tired just thinking about it.
We've had a tough year to be honest. Paul was laid off from
CP for a period of time last summer - just long enough to make life difficult still. He is back with
CP (has been for awhile) so we're grateful for that. He is also working for a friend of ours who has a firewood business so when Paul isn't at
CP, he's delivering firewood to all over Calgary and area. It has helped to somewhat make ends meet and it's getting busier at
CP so we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm also babysitting a little girl who is about 6 months younger than Sam. Her mom is a teacher so I get teacher's days off which is really convenient! Sam is fine with her being here as long as she doesn't touch his stuff or come near me. It's a work in progress. Anyway, every little bit helps but I think I would watch her even if we didn't need the money. She's a little sweetheart.
This time of struggle for us has given me plenty of opportunity to realize what's important in our lives. Money might be tight but we have a roof - which is big enough for all of us! - over our heads, we have clothes to wear, we have food in our cupboards, we have the blessing of family and friends around us. I have to say that I am so grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves me and helps me even if I don't notice right away that He has. I will admit I have murmured against Him from time to time and wondered why we have to endure all these things but then I will go to church and hear lessons of love and forgiveness and I will be uplifted once more to be able to carry on. I am so glad He loves me in spite of my MANY weaknesses and never gives up on me. It helps me not to give on myself.
Okay - off the soapbox now. :) I'll update you on the kids.
We had a pretty quiet summer even though I finally got my driver's license! I was hoping to do some day trips with the kids but with Paul being laid off, I worked at Kim's kitchen for the summer so the time and money just weren't there for those things. We were able to go into Calgary a couple of times (
woohoo) but I hope we will have a more adventurous summer this year. I'm so itching for a road trip!
Strathmore, Kinsmen Park, July 2009Emily started work at
Walmart at the end August. She did apply in mid-July but someone was on holidays and nothing happened until the end of August. So much for a summer job :) Anyway, she is doing great and trying hard to learn time and money management. It can be a struggle some days but she's a trooper and we won't let her give up because we are mean parents and we don't really love her. Well, that's what she thinks (says out loud) sometimes anyways :) We won't let her give up
because we love her. Anyway, she's working towards a trip to Kenya in July. She is going with a group from school and they are going with an organization called Me to We (
http://www.metowe.com/). This is a tremendous opportunity for her to go somewhere and make a difference (they will be doing humanitarian work) and gain a little perspective. It has been a long haul already to save the money and prepare but we will see it through even if it kills us. :P
Michael is in his seventh year of hockey and loving every minute of it. He is reffing this year as well which has been great since it allows him to be on the ice more and he's getting paid! I can't believe he goes to midget next year! If he decides not to try-out for a AA or AAA team, he will be done hockey in 3 years - at least we'll be done paying for it :) I think he should try-out to prove to himself what he's capable of but ultimately it's his decision. Of course, I could be a little biased, too. He also finished all the requirements to receive his Chief Scout Award (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Scout%27s_Award_%28Scouts_Canada%29). The scouting program is an integral of our church's (
www.lds.org) young men's program. Michael has had the chance to go camping in the winter and make his own shelters and sleep in snow caves. He even when to the Southern Alberta Jamboree in July. He was a patrol leader and was a part of the decision making process for the boy's activities. It was great fun for him and I had the privilege (?) of driving 6 12/13 year old boys to Pincher Creek and back. I may never do that again.
Sarah had a big birthday in May - she turned 8 and was baptized into our church. She had a big party on the Saturday which was bigger than I imagined it wold be. Isn't it normal to invite more people than you think will come because, invariably (hopefully) someone won't make it, right? Everyone came! 13 kids at this party! Needless to say, the 9
th birthday will be much quieter. Perhaps 2 friends and a movie. Yes, that sounds lovely. Enough about what I want, back to Sarah. So she was baptized which was a really special treat in that she was the first of our children to be baptized by Paul. He did a terrific job and it was very heartwarming. Michael and Emily both gave talks and did terrific jobs. They are a really good example to Sarah (most days). She has started in her second year of hockey and is really enjoying. She's on a really good team - by that I mean that she is learning
alot and having fun. No pressure - just fun. The way it should be. She is also in her second year with the
Strathmore Children's Choir (
http://smorechildrenschoir.weebly.com/) which has doubled in size from last year as well as starting piano lessons right before Christmas. Yikes. No wonder we have no money. Anyway, she is really enjoying and doing a fantastic job. She even was part of the Christmas recital even though she had only had 3 lessons and she did wonderfully. Besides all that, she's a terrific big sister to Sam.
Helping with dishes, December 2009
On to Sam who is really Dennis the Menace incognito. This kid is into everything. I'm sure more than any other kid on the planet! He will be 2 in April which I just can't believe! I'm planning to have him in his big boy bed in the next couple of months and out of my room. Yes, he still sleeps in my room but it works for us. Everyone sleeps at night which is what nighttime is for, in my opinion :) Anyway, he's really a great kid - makes us laugh all the time. It's really fun to see the other kids' excitement at his growth and development. So big boy bed then potty training. Big year for the little guy. He had a bit of drama in
December when he had minor surgery - bilateral
orchidopexy (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchidopexy). We were in and out of the hospital by noon - the only "exciting" part was the drive home in the blizzard. My introduction to winter driving. I only cried a little and we made it home so that's all I'm gonna say about that!
That's all I can think of at the moment. I think I've pretty much caught you up as best as I could.