Thursday, January 15, 2009

Random pics

This is me in grade three. It's actually part of a double layout with the picture below but I couldn't get a decent shot of them together so that's what that's about.

This is my brother and sister in grades 6 and 5. Love my brother's glasses. Yikes. 'Nuf said about that.

M and S2 watching Edmonton beat the Capitals. (You can't really tell but Sam is wearing an Oilers jersey.) Too bad, Michael - Ovechkin wasn't much help that night.

S2 at bath time (obviously). Auntie V gave this bath time book to him for Christmas and he loves it! It came with a little washcloth that he mostly just sucks on but it's fun anyway :)

A reader already!

That's about it unless I find more pictures on my computer that I forgot about :)

1 comment:

Miss Me said...

I showed Ryan the hockey pic with the two boys in their jerseys....he decidedly likes Sam much better than Michael....haha!